Septic Services > Indiana

Indiana Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 338 Septic Businesses in the State of Indiana (IN).

Choose an Indiana town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Indiana septic service will vary depending on the business.

If an Indiana septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Bloomington (11 locations) Fort Wayne (13 locations) Lafayette (9 locations)
Elkhart (11 locations) Indianapolis (24 locations) Valparaiso (7 locations)
Alexandria (2 locations) Hagerstown (2 locations) North Judson (2 locations)
Anderson (4 locations) Hammond (4 locations) North Vernon (1 location)
Andrews (1 location) Hanna (2 locations) North Webster (2 locations)
Attica (1 location) Hanover (1 location) Oakland City (1 location)
Austin (1 location) Heltonville (1 location) Orleans (1 location)
Batesville (2 locations) Hobart (3 locations) Osceola (1 location)
Bedford (1 location) Holton (1 location) Patoka (1 location)
Beech Grove (1 location) Hudson (1 location) Pennville (1 location)
Bennington (1 location) Huntertown (1 location) Peru (1 location)
Bristol (1 location) Huntington (1 location) Pierceton (1 location)
Brookville (1 location) Jasper (3 locations) Pittsboro (1 location)
Brownsburg (1 location) Jeffersonville (2 locations) Plymouth (4 locations)
Brownstown (1 location) Kendallville (1 location) Portage (2 locations)
Butlerville (1 location) Kingman (1 location) Rensselaer (1 location)
Camden (1 location) Kirklin (1 location) Roanoke (1 location)
Carmel (1 location) Kokomo (4 locations) Rochester (6 locations)
Chesterton (1 location) La Fontaine (1 location) Rockport (1 location)
Clarksville (2 locations) Ladoga (2 locations) Rockville (1 location)
Clayton (1 location) Lagrange (2 locations) Rolling Prairie (2 locations)
Clinton (3 locations) Lake Station (1 location) Rushville (1 location)
Cloverdale (1 location) Lakeville (4 locations) Salem (2 locations)
Columbia City (1 location) Laurel (1 location) Schererville (1 location)
Columbus (2 locations) Lawrenceburg (1 location) Scottsburg (1 location)
Commiskey (2 locations) Lexington (2 locations) Selma (1 location)
Connersville (2 locations) Liberty (1 location) Seymour (1 location)
Danville (1 location) Ligonier (1 location) Sharpsville (1 location)
Decatur (1 location) Linton (1 location) Shelbyville (1 location)
Demotte (2 locations) Logansport (4 locations) Solsberry (2 locations)
Dillsboro (1 location) Lynn (1 location) South Bend (5 locations)
Dyer (1 location) Madison (2 locations) Springville (2 locations)
Eaton (1 location) Marion (4 locations) Syracuse (1 location)
Ellettsville (2 locations) Martinsville (2 locations) Terre Haute (4 locations)
Elwood (1 location) Michigan City (5 locations) Tipton (2 locations)
Evansville (2 locations) Michigantown (1 location) Topeka (2 locations)
Fairland (1 location) Middlebury (1 location) Vincennes (3 locations)
Francesville (1 location) Middletown (1 location) Wabash (2 locations)
Frankfort (2 locations) Milroy (1 location) Wanatah (1 location)
Franklin (2 locations) Mishawaka (6 locations) Warsaw (4 locations)
Fredericksburg (1 location) Mitchell (1 location) West College Corner (1 location)
French Lick (1 location) Monon (1 location) West Lafayette (1 location)
Garrett (1 location) Monroeville (2 locations) West Terre Haute (6 locations)
Gary (4 locations) Monticello (2 locations) Woodburn (1 location)
Gas City (1 location) Montpelier (2 locations) Worthington (1 location)
Gaston (2 locations) Mooreland (1 location) Yorktown (2 locations)
Goshen (4 locations) Mooresville (2 locations)
Grandview (1 location) Morgantown (1 location)
Granger (2 locations) Mount Vernon (1 location)
Greencastle (3 locations) Muncie (5 locations)
Greendale (1 location) New Albany (1 location)
Greenfield (3 locations) New Castle (3 locations)
Greensburg (3 locations) New Haven (1 location)
Greentown (1 location) Noblesville (4 locations)
Indiana Septic Businesses by County:
Adams County (1) Henry County (5) Porter County (10)
Allen County (18) Howard County (5) Posey County (1)
Bartholomew County (2) Huntington County (3) Pulaski County (1)
Blackford County (2) Jackson County (2) Putnam County (4)
Carroll County (1) Jasper County (3) Randolph County (1)
Cass County (4) Jay County (1) Ripley County (3)
Clark County (4) Jefferson County (3) Rush County (2)
Clinton County (4) Jennings County (4) Scott County (4)
De Kalb County (1) Johnson County (2) Shelby County (2)
Dearborn County (3) Knox County (3) Spencer County (2)
Decatur County (3) Kosciusko County (8) St. Joseph County (18)
Delaware County (11) La Porte County (10) Starke County (2)
Dubois County (3) Lagrange County (4) Steuben County (1)
Elkhart County (17) Lake County (14) Switzerland County (1)
Fayette County (2) Lawrence County (5) Tippecanoe County (10)
Floyd County (1) Madison County (7) Tipton County (3)
Fountain County (2) Marion County (25) Union County (2)
Franklin County (2) Marshall County (4) Vanderburgh County (2)
Fulton County (6) Miami County (1) Vermillion County (3)
Gibson County (2) Monroe County (13) Vigo County (10)
Grant County (5) Montgomery County (2) Wabash County (3)
Greene County (4) Morgan County (5) Washington County (3)
Hamilton County (5) Noble County (2) Wayne County (2)
Hancock County (3) Orange County (2) White County (3)
Hendricks County (4) Parke County (1) Whitley County (1)

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