Septic Services > Wisconsin

Wisconsin Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 459 Septic Businesses in the State of Wisconsin (WI).

Choose a Wisconsin town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Wisconsin septic service will vary depending on the business.

If a Wisconsin septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Eagle River (6 locations) Janesville (6 locations) Rhinelander (11 locations)
Green Bay (7 locations) Milwaukee (8 locations) Sturgeon Bay (7 locations)
Abrams (1 location) Gile (1 location) Plover (4 locations)
Adell (2 locations) Grafton (1 location) Plymouth (1 location)
Albany (1 location) Granton (1 location) Port Washington (1 location)
Alma Center (1 location) Grantsburg (1 location) Porterfield (1 location)
Almond (3 locations) Gratiot (1 location) Potosi (1 location)
Altoona (1 location) Green Valley (1 location) Pound (1 location)
Amery (1 location) Greenleaf (1 location) Poynette (1 location)
Amherst (2 locations) Hales Corners (1 location) Prairie Du Chien (1 location)
Appleton (6 locations) Hartland (1 location) Presque Isle (1 location)
Arcadia (1 location) Hayward (3 locations) Princeton (3 locations)
Arkdale (2 locations) Hingham (1 location) Random Lake (1 location)
Ashland (4 locations) Hobart (1 location) Reedsburg (1 location)
Athelstane (1 location) Holcombe (1 location) Reedsville (1 location)
Baileys Harbor (1 location) Hollandale (1 location) Rewey (1 location)
Bangor (2 locations) Holmen (2 locations) Rib Lake (1 location)
Barron (1 location) Hortonville (1 location) Rice Lake (4 locations)
Bay City (1 location) Houlton (1 location) Richfield (1 location)
Beloit (2 locations) Hudson (1 location) Richland Center (1 location)
Berlin (2 locations) Hurley (1 location) Ridgeland (1 location)
Big Bend (1 location) Iron River (1 location) Ringle (1 location)
Black Creek (1 location) Ixonia (1 location) River Falls (3 locations)
Black River Falls (1 location) Jackson (2 locations) Roberts (2 locations)
Blair (1 location) Jim Falls (1 location) Rosholt (2 locations)
Bloomer (2 locations) Junction City (1 location) Rubicon (1 location)
Bloomington (1 location) Kenosha (3 locations) Rudolph (1 location)
Boyd (1 location) Kewaskum (2 locations) Saint Germain (2 locations)
Briggsville (1 location) Kewaunee (2 locations) Sarona (1 location)
Brodhead (1 location) Kiel (1 location) Saukville (1 location)
Brookfield (3 locations) Knapp (1 location) Saxon (1 location)
Brooklyn (1 location) Kronenwetter (1 location) Schofield (1 location)
Browntown (2 locations) La Crosse (1 location) Seymour (2 locations)
Bruce (1 location) La Farge (1 location) Shawano (3 locations)
Brule (1 location) La Pointe (1 location) Sheboygan (3 locations)
Burlington (4 locations) Lake Geneva (2 locations) Shell Lake (1 location)
Byron (1 location) Lake Tomahawk (1 location) Sherwood (1 location)
Cable (2 locations) Lancaster (1 location) Slinger (1 location)
Cadott (2 locations) Little Chute (1 location) Solon Springs (1 location)
Campbellsport (1 location) Lodi (2 locations) Somerset (2 locations)
Canton (1 location) Lyndon Station (1 location) South Range (1 location)
Cedarburg (1 location) Madison (5 locations) South Wayne (1 location)
Chelsea (1 location) Manitowish Waters (2 locations) Spencer (1 location)
Chetek (3 locations) Manitowoc (2 locations) Spooner (3 locations)
Chili (1 location) Maple (1 location) Spring Valley (1 location)
Chilton (2 locations) Maribel (1 location) Stevens Point (2 locations)
Chippewa Falls (4 locations) Marinette (3 locations) Stone Lake (1 location)
Clinton (1 location) Marshfield (2 locations) Stoughton (3 locations)
Cochrane (2 locations) Mauston (1 location) Stratford (2 locations)
Coleman (1 location) Mayville (1 location) Sturtevant (1 location)
Comstock (1 location) Mazomanie (1 location) Superior (2 locations)
Cottage Grove (1 location) Mc Farland (2 locations) Three Lakes (1 location)
Crivitz (2 locations) Medford (3 locations) Tomah (3 locations)
Cumberland (1 location) Mellen (1 location) Townsend (1 location)
Cushing (1 location) Menasha (1 location) Turtle Lake (1 location)
Dalton (1 location) Menomonie (4 locations) Union Grove (4 locations)
Danbury (1 location) Mequon (1 location) Unity (1 location)
Dane (2 locations) Mercer (1 location) Valders (1 location)
Darlington (1 location) Merrill (3 locations) Viroqua (2 locations)
De Pere (2 locations) Middleton (2 locations) Wabeno (1 location)
Deerfield (1 location) Minocqua (4 locations) Wales (1 location)
Delavan (3 locations) Mondovi (2 locations) Warrens (1 location)
Denmark (1 location) Monroe (1 location) Washburn (1 location)
Dickeyville (1 location) Montello (1 location) Waterford (1 location)
Dorchester (2 locations) Nashotah (1 location) Watertown (1 location)
Dresser (1 location) Neenah (2 locations) Waukesha (6 locations)
Durand (1 location) Neillsville (1 location) Waunakee (1 location)
Eagle (2 locations) Nekoosa (2 locations) Waupaca (3 locations)
Eau Claire (5 locations) New Auburn (2 locations) Wausau (3 locations)
Eau Galle (1 location) New Berlin (1 location) Wausaukee (2 locations)
Edgerton (1 location) New Franken (3 locations) Wautoma (3 locations)
Elk Mound (1 location) New Holstein (1 location) Webster (1 location)
Elkhart Lake (1 location) New London (1 location) West Bend (5 locations)
Ellsworth (1 location) New Richmond (4 locations) West Salem (1 location)
Ettrick (3 locations) Niagara (1 location) Westby (1 location)
Evansville (3 locations) Oconomowoc (1 location) Windsor (2 locations)
Exeland (3 locations) Oconto (1 location) Wisconsin Dells (2 locations)
Fall Creek (1 location) Oconto Falls (1 location) Wisconsin Rapids (5 locations)
Ferryville (1 location) Oneida (1 location) Wittenberg (1 location)
Fitchburg (1 location) Oregon (3 locations) Woodruff (3 locations)
Fond Du Lac (5 locations) Orfordville (1 location) Wrightstown (1 location)
Forestville (1 location) Oshkosh (4 locations)
Foxboro (2 locations) Oxford (1 location)
Franklin (1 location) Peshtigo (3 locations)
Freedom (1 location) Pewaukee (1 location)
Fremont (1 location) Phillips (2 locations)
Friendship (1 location) Pittsville (3 locations)
Galesville (1 location) Platteville (1 location)
Germantown (2 locations) Pleasant Prairie (1 location)
Wisconsin Septic Businesses by County:
Adams County (3) Iowa County (2) Portage County (14)
Ashland County (6) Iron County (4) Price County (2)
Barron County (12) Jackson County (2) Racine County (10)
Bayfield County (4) Jefferson County (2) Richland County (1)
Brown County (17) Juneau County (2) Rock County (14)
Buffalo County (4) Kenosha County (4) Rusk County (1)
Burnett County (3) Kewaunee County (2) Sauk County (1)
Calumet County (4) La Crosse County (6) Sawyer County (7)
Chippewa County (13) Lafayette County (3) Shawano County (5)
Clark County (5) Lincoln County (3) Sheboygan County (9)
Columbia County (5) Manitowoc County (6) St. Croix County (10)
Crawford County (2) Marathon County (10) Taylor County (5)
Dane County (24) Marinette County (15) Trempealeau County (6)
Dodge County (3) Marquette County (3) Vernon County (4)
Door County (9) Milwaukee County (10) Vilas County (11)
Douglas County (8) Monroe County (4) Walworth County (5)
Dunn County (8) Oconto County (4) Washburn County (5)
Eau Claire County (7) Oneida County (20) Washington County (13)
Fond Du Lac County (6) Outagamie County (12) Waukesha County (18)
Forest County (1) Ozaukee County (5) Waupaca County (5)
Grant County (5) Pepin County (1) Waushara County (3)
Green County (6) Pierce County (6) Winnebago County (7)
Green Lake County (6) Polk County (3) Wood County (13)

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