Septic Services > Iowa

Iowa Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 217 Septic Businesses in the State of Iowa (IA).

Choose an Iowa town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Iowa septic service will vary depending on the business.

If an Iowa septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Cedar Rapids (7 locations) Des Moines (17 locations) Sioux City (7 locations)
Council Bluffs (5 locations) Dubuque (5 locations) Waterloo (6 locations)
Albion (1 location) Grinnell (2 locations) Peosta (1 location)
Algona (1 location) Hanlontown (1 location) Perry (1 location)
Altoona (1 location) Harlan (1 location) Pleasantville (1 location)
Andrew (1 location) Hiawatha (2 locations) Plymouth (1 location)
Atlantic (1 location) Hull (1 location) Polk City (1 location)
Audubon (1 location) Independence (3 locations) Prairie City (1 location)
Bellevue (1 location) Indianola (1 location) Prole (1 location)
Berwick (1 location) Iowa City (4 locations) Randalia (1 location)
Bettendorf (3 locations) Iowa Falls (2 locations) Readlyn (1 location)
Bloomfield (3 locations) Johnston (1 location) Red Oak (2 locations)
Blue Grass (1 location) Kalona (2 locations) Robins (1 location)
Brandon (1 location) Keokuk (1 location) Roland (1 location)
Burlington (5 locations) Kingsley (1 location) Royal (1 location)
Callender (1 location) Knoxville (4 locations) Saint Anthony (1 location)
Camanche (1 location) Le Mars (1 location) Saint Charles (1 location)
Cantril (1 location) Lehigh (1 location) Scarville (1 location)
Carroll (1 location) Lime Springs (1 location) Scranton (1 location)
Cedar Falls (1 location) Logan (1 location) Sibley (1 location)
Center Junction (1 location) Lohrville (1 location) Solon (1 location)
Chelsea (1 location) Lone Rock (1 location) Spencer (4 locations)
Clinton (1 location) Luzerne (1 location) Spirit Lake (2 locations)
Clive (1 location) Madrid (2 locations) Stanton (1 location)
Coon Rapids (1 location) Manchester (1 location) Tiffin (1 location)
Dallas Center (1 location) Manly (1 location) Toddville (1 location)
Davenport (3 locations) Mapleton (1 location) Toledo (1 location)
Decorah (1 location) Maquoketa (1 location) Urbandale (2 locations)
Defiance (1 location) Marengo (3 locations) Vinton (2 locations)
Doon (1 location) Marion (1 location) Walcott (1 location)
Duncombe (1 location) Marquette (1 location) Wapello (1 location)
Dundee (1 location) Marshalltown (2 locations) Waukee (1 location)
Dyersville (2 locations) Mason City (3 locations) Waukon (2 locations)
Eagle Grove (1 location) Missouri Valley (1 location) Webster City (2 locations)
Elk Horn (1 location) Montezuma (1 location) Wellman (1 location)
Emmetsburg (1 location) Moscow (1 location) West Bend (1 location)
Fairfield (1 location) Mount Pleasant (1 location) West Des Moines (1 location)
Farragut (1 location) Muscatine (1 location) Winterset (1 location)
Fayette (1 location) Newell (1 location) Woodbine (3 locations)
Fort Dodge (2 locations) Newton (1 location) Zearing (1 location)
Fredericksburg (1 location) Nora Springs (1 location)
Garwin (1 location) Onawa (1 location)
Glenwood (1 location) Oskaloosa (2 locations)
Goldfield (1 location) Ottumwa (2 locations)
Graettinger (1 location) Panora (1 location)
Grimes (1 location) Pella (2 locations)
Iowa Septic Businesses by County:
Allamakee County (2) Fremont County (1) Monona County (2)
Audubon County (1) Greene County (1) Montgomery County (3)
Benton County (3) Guthrie County (1) Muscatine County (2)
Black Hawk County (7) Hamilton County (2) Osceola County (1)
Boone County (2) Hardin County (2) Palo Alto County (3)
Bremer County (1) Harrison County (5) Plymouth County (2)
Buchanan County (4) Henry County (1) Polk County (26)
Buena Vista County (1) Howard County (1) Pottawattamie County (5)
Calhoun County (1) Iowa County (3) Poweshiek County (3)
Carroll County (2) Jackson County (3) Scott County (8)
Cass County (1) Jasper County (2) Shelby County (3)
Cerro Gordo County (4) Jefferson County (1) Sioux County (1)
Chickasaw County (1) Johnson County (6) Story County (2)
Clay County (5) Jones County (1) Tama County (3)
Clayton County (1) Kossuth County (2) Van Buren County (1)
Clinton County (2) Lee County (1) Wapello County (2)
Dallas County (3) Linn County (12) Warren County (2)
Davis County (3) Louisa County (1) Washington County (3)
Delaware County (2) Lyon County (1) Webster County (5)
Des Moines County (5) Madison County (2) Winnebago County (1)
Dickinson County (2) Mahaska County (2) Winneshiek County (1)
Dubuque County (8) Marion County (7) Woodbury County (7)
Fayette County (2) Marshall County (4) Worth County (2)
Floyd County (1) Mills County (1) Wright County (2)

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