Septic Services > Kentucky

Kentucky Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 208 Septic Businesses in the State of Kentucky (KY).

Choose a Kentucky town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Kentucky septic service will vary depending on the business.

If a Kentucky septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Bowling Green (6 locations) Louisville (26 locations) Paducah (6 locations)
Elizabethtown (5 locations) Owensboro (6 locations) Pikeville (5 locations)
Almo (2 locations) Glasgow (2 locations) Philpot (2 locations)
Alvaton (1 location) Gray (1 location) Pine Top (1 location)
Annville (2 locations) Grayson (3 locations) Prestonsburg (1 location)
Argillite (2 locations) Greenup (2 locations) Princeton (1 location)
Auburn (1 location) Hanson (1 location) Richmond (1 location)
Barbourville (1 location) Hardinsburg (1 location) Russell Springs (1 location)
Bardstown (1 location) Harlan (1 location) Salem (1 location)
Beattyville (1 location) Hartford (1 location) Salt Lick (1 location)
Bedford (2 locations) Hebron (1 location) Sandgap (1 location)
Benton (2 locations) Henderson (3 locations) Science Hill (2 locations)
Bethel (1 location) Highland Heights (1 location) Scottsville (1 location)
Boston (1 location) Hodgenville (1 location) Sebree (1 location)
Brandenburg (1 location) Hopkinsville (2 locations) Sharpsburg (1 location)
Buffalo (1 location) Horse Cave (1 location) Shelbyville (2 locations)
Burlington (1 location) Inez (1 location) Shepherdsville (3 locations)
Burnside (1 location) Irvine (1 location) Slaughters (1 location)
Cadiz (1 location) Jenkins (1 location) Smithland (1 location)
Calvert City (2 locations) Junction City (1 location) Smiths Grove (1 location)
Campbellsville (1 location) Kenvir (1 location) Somerset (1 location)
Carrie (1 location) Lancaster (1 location) South Shore (1 location)
Cave City (1 location) Lawrenceburg (2 locations) Southgate (1 location)
Clarkson (1 location) Leitchfield (1 location) Springfield (1 location)
Clearfield (2 locations) Lexington (5 locations) Stanford (1 location)
Columbia (1 location) London (3 locations) Stanville (1 location)
Corbin (3 locations) Madisonville (2 locations) Thornton (1 location)
Covington (1 location) Martin (1 location) Versailles (1 location)
Coxs Creek (1 location) Mayfield (1 location) Vine Grove (1 location)
Craynor (1 location) Mc Kee (1 location) Walton (2 locations)
Crestwood (2 locations) Mentor (1 location) West Liberty (1 location)
Cromwell (1 location) Middlesboro (2 locations) Whitesburg (1 location)
Cynthiana (3 locations) Monticello (1 location) Wilmore (1 location)
David (1 location) Morehead (1 location) Winchester (2 locations)
Dawson Springs (1 location) Mount Sterling (1 location) Wingo (1 location)
Dry Ridge (1 location) Nancy (1 location)
Elkhorn City (1 location) New Haven (1 location)
Faubush (1 location) Newport (1 location)
Flatgap (1 location) Nicholasville (4 locations)
Florence (2 locations) Offutt (1 location)
Frankfort (1 location) Paintsville (1 location)
Franklin (1 location) Partridge (1 location)
Georgetown (1 location) Pendleton (1 location)
Kentucky Septic Businesses by County:
Adair County (1) Greenup County (5) Mccracken County (6)
Allen County (1) Hardin County (6) Meade County (1)
Anderson County (2) Harlan County (2) Montgomery County (1)
Barren County (3) Harrison County (3) Morgan County (1)
Bath County (3) Hart County (1) Nelson County (4)
Bell County (2) Henderson County (3) Ohio County (2)
Boone County (6) Henry County (1) Oldham County (2)
Boyle County (1) Hopkins County (4) Pike County (6)
Breckinridge County (1) Jackson County (4) Pulaski County (6)
Bullitt County (3) Jefferson County (26) Rowan County (3)
Caldwell County (1) Jessamine County (5) Russell County (1)
Calloway County (2) Johnson County (3) Scott County (1)
Campbell County (4) Kenton County (1) Shelby County (2)
Carter County (3) Knott County (2) Simpson County (1)
Christian County (2) Knox County (2) Taylor County (1)
Clark County (2) Larue County (2) Trigg County (1)
Daviess County (8) Laurel County (3) Trimble County (2)
Estill County (1) Lee County (1) Warren County (8)
Fayette County (5) Letcher County (4) Washington County (1)
Floyd County (5) Lincoln County (1) Wayne County (1)
Franklin County (1) Livingston County (2) Webster County (2)
Garrard County (1) Logan County (1) Whitley County (3)
Grant County (1) Madison County (1) Woodford County (1)
Graves County (2) Marshall County (4)
Grayson County (2) Martin County (1)

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