Septic Services > Michigan

Michigan Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 548 Septic Businesses in the State of Michigan (MI).

Choose a Michigan town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Michigan septic service will vary depending on the business.

If a Michigan septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Detroit (15 locations) Lansing (14 locations) Midland (8 locations)
Grand Rapids (7 locations) Livonia (7 locations) Muskegon (11 locations)
Alanson (1 location) Gowen (1 location) Ortonville (1 location)
Alger (1 location) Grand Haven (1 location) Ottawa Lake (1 location)
Allegan (2 locations) Grand Junction (1 location) Otter Lake (1 location)
Alma (1 location) Grand Ledge (1 location) Ovid (1 location)
Alpena (1 location) Grandville (1 location) Owendale (1 location)
Ann Arbor (2 locations) Grant (1 location) Owosso (2 locations)
Athens (1 location) Grass Lake (1 location) Oxford (1 location)
Bad Axe (1 location) Grawn (1 location) Paradise (1 location)
Battle Creek (4 locations) Greenville (1 location) Paris (1 location)
Bay City (3 locations) Grosse Pointe (1 location) Paw Paw (1 location)
Beaverton (1 location) Gwinn (1 location) Petersburg (1 location)
Belleville (1 location) Hale (1 location) Petoskey (2 locations)
Belmont (1 location) Hamilton (1 location) Pierson (1 location)
Benton Harbor (5 locations) Hancock (1 location) Pigeon (1 location)
Beulah (1 location) Harbor Springs (1 location) Plainwell (1 location)
Big Rapids (2 locations) Harper Woods (1 location) Plymouth (1 location)
Birch Run (2 locations) Harrison (1 location) Pontiac (3 locations)
Blissfield (1 location) Hart (2 locations) Port Huron (2 locations)
Bloomfield Hills (1 location) Hartland (1 location) Posen (1 location)
Boyne City (1 location) Hastings (2 locations) Prudenville (1 location)
Breckenridge (2 locations) Hazel Park (1 location) Quincy (1 location)
Brighton (2 locations) Hemlock (1 location) Rapid City (1 location)
Britton (1 location) Hesperia (1 location) Rapid River (1 location)
Brohman (1 location) Highland (2 locations) Ravenna (2 locations)
Brooklyn (4 locations) Hillsdale (2 locations) Redford (4 locations)
Buchanan (2 locations) Holland (6 locations) Reed City (1 location)
Burr Oak (2 locations) Holt (1 location) Remus (1 location)
Burton (3 locations) Hopkins (1 location) Richmond (1 location)
Byron (3 locations) Horton (1 location) Rives Junction (1 location)
Cadillac (1 location) Houghton Lake (1 location) Rochester Hills (2 locations)
Caledonia (1 location) Howard City (3 locations) Rockford (1 location)
Calumet (1 location) Howell (3 locations) Rodney (1 location)
Canton (1 location) Hubbard Lake (1 location) Romulus (4 locations)
Carleton (5 locations) Hudson (1 location) Roscommon (2 locations)
Caro (1 location) Hudsonville (3 locations) Rose City (1 location)
Carsonville (1 location) Ida (1 location) Roseville (2 locations)
Casco (1 location) Imlay City (1 location) Royal Oak (1 location)
Casnovia (1 location) Indian River (1 location) Ruby (1 location)
Cassopolis (2 locations) Ionia (1 location) Saginaw (4 locations)
Cedar (1 location) Iron Mountain (1 location) Saint Clair (1 location)
Cedar Springs (1 location) Iron River (1 location) Saint Clair Shores (5 locations)
Cement City (1 location) Ironwood (1 location) Saint Helen (2 locations)
Central Lake (1 location) Ishpeming (1 location) Saint Ignace (1 location)
Charlotte (1 location) Jackson (6 locations) Saint Johns (1 location)
Chase (1 location) Jeddo (1 location) Sault Sainte Marie (1 location)
Cheboygan (3 locations) Jenison (2 locations) Shelby Township (3 locations)
Chesterfield (2 locations) Kalamazoo (6 locations) Shepherd (1 location)
China (1 location) Kalkaska (2 locations) Six Lakes (1 location)
Clare (2 locations) Kawkawlin (2 locations) South Haven (3 locations)
Clarkston (4 locations) Kimball (1 location) South Lyon (4 locations)
Clarksville (1 location) Lachine (1 location) Southfield (1 location)
Clinton Township (5 locations) Lake (1 location) Southgate (1 location)
Clyde (1 location) Lake City (1 location) Sparta (2 locations)
Cohoctah (1 location) Lake Leelanau (1 location) Spring Lake (1 location)
Coldwater (1 location) Lake Odessa (1 location) Springport (1 location)
Coleman (1 location) Lake Orion (1 location) Spruce (1 location)
Coloma (3 locations) Lambertville (1 location) Stephenson (2 locations)
Commerce Township (2 locations) Lanse (1 location) Sterling (1 location)
Constantine (1 location) Lapeer (4 locations) Sterling Heights (6 locations)
Croswell (1 location) Lawton (2 locations) Sturgis (3 locations)
Dafter (2 locations) Lenox (2 locations) Suttons Bay (1 location)
De Tour Village (1 location) Levering (1 location) Tawas City (2 locations)
Dearborn (2 locations) Lewiston (1 location) Taylor (2 locations)
Dearborn Heights (3 locations) Lexington (2 locations) Tecumseh (4 locations)
Decatur (1 location) Lowell (1 location) Temperance (3 locations)
Decker (1 location) Ludington (4 locations) Three Rivers (1 location)
Delton (1 location) Lupton (1 location) Tipton (1 location)
Dollar Bay (1 location) Macomb (5 locations) Traverse City (6 locations)
Dorr (1 location) Madison Heights (2 locations) Troy (2 locations)
Dowagiac (2 locations) Mancelona (1 location) Twin Lake (3 locations)
Dryden (1 location) Manistee (2 locations) Union City (5 locations)
Durand (2 locations) Manton (1 location) Vassar (1 location)
Eagle (1 location) Marenisco (1 location) Vicksburg (1 location)
East China (1 location) Marine City (1 location) Walker (1 location)
East Jordan (1 location) Marion (1 location) Warren (5 locations)
East Tawas (1 location) Marquette (3 locations) Washington (2 locations)
Eastpointe (1 location) Marshall (2 locations) Waterford (5 locations)
Eau Claire (2 locations) Mason (3 locations) Wayne (1 location)
Edwardsburg (2 locations) Mattawan (1 location) Webberville (1 location)
Escanaba (1 location) Mc Millan (1 location) West Branch (1 location)
Farmington Hills (2 locations) Menominee (1 location) Westland (1 location)
Fennville (1 location) Middleville (1 location) White Lake (3 locations)
Fenton (2 locations) Mikado (2 locations) White Pigeon (1 location)
Ferndale (1 location) Milford (2 locations) Whittemore (1 location)
Flat Rock (2 locations) Mio (1 location) Williamsburg (1 location)
Flint (4 locations) Monroe (3 locations) Williamston (1 location)
Fort Gratiot (1 location) Morley (1 location) Wixom (3 locations)
Fostoria (1 location) Mount Clemens (2 locations) Wolverine Lake (1 location)
Fountain (1 location) Mount Morris (1 location) Woodhaven (1 location)
Fowlerville (3 locations) Negaunee (1 location) Wyoming (1 location)
Frankenmuth (1 location) New Lothrop (1 location) Ypsilanti (4 locations)
Frankfort (2 locations) Newaygo (2 locations)
Freeland (1 location) Newberry (2 locations)
Fremont (1 location) Niles (3 locations)
Fruitport (1 location) North Branch (1 location)
Galesburg (2 locations) Norway (1 location)
Garden City (3 locations) Novi (3 locations)
Gaylord (2 locations) Oakland (1 location)
Gobles (1 location) Oakley (1 location)
Michigan Septic Businesses by County:
Alcona County (3) Gratiot County (3) Midland County (9)
Allegan County (7) Hillsdale County (2) Missaukee County (1)
Alpena County (3) Houghton County (3) Monroe County (15)
Antrim County (2) Huron County (3) Montcalm County (6)
Arenac County (2) Ingham County (13) Montmorency County (1)
Baraga County (1) Ionia County (3) Muskegon County (18)
Barry County (4) Iosco County (5) Newaygo County (5)
Bay County (5) Iron County (1) Oakland County (49)
Benzie County (3) Isabella County (1) Oceana County (3)
Berrien County (15) Jackson County (14) Ogemaw County (3)
Branch County (7) Kalamazoo County (9) Osceola County (2)
Calhoun County (7) Kalkaska County (3) Oscoda County (1)
Cass County (6) Kent County (18) Otsego County (2)
Charlevoix County (2) Lake County (1) Ottawa County (13)
Cheboygan County (4) Lapeer County (8) Presque Isle County (1)
Chippewa County (5) Leelanau County (3) Roscommon County (6)
Clare County (4) Lenawee County (9) Saginaw County (10)
Clinton County (5) Livingston County (10) Sanilac County (5)
Delta County (2) Luce County (3) Shiawassee County (8)
Dickinson County (2) Mackinac County (1) St. Clair County (12)
Eaton County (7) Macomb County (41) St. Joseph County (8)
Emmet County (5) Manistee County (2) Tuscola County (3)
Genesee County (10) Marquette County (6) Van Buren County (10)
Gladwin County (1) Mason County (5) Washtenaw County (6)
Gogebic County (2) Mecosta County (6) Wayne County (51)
Grand Traverse County (8) Menominee County (3) Wexford County (2)

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