Septic Services > Minnesota

Minnesota Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 432 Septic Businesses in the State of Minnesota (MN).

Choose a Minnesota town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Minnesota septic service will vary depending on the business.

If a Minnesota septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Brainerd (7 locations) Duluth (14 locations) Minneapolis (24 locations)
Detroit Lakes (6 locations) Hibbing (6 locations) Saint Paul (14 locations)
Ada (1 location) Fulda (1 location) Parkers Prairie (1 location)
Afton (3 locations) Georgetown (1 location) Pelican Rapids (3 locations)
Aitkin (3 locations) Gheen (1 location) Pengilly (1 location)
Albany (1 location) Gilbert (2 locations) Pennock (1 location)
Albert Lea (2 locations) Glencoe (1 location) Pequot Lakes (1 location)
Alborn (1 location) Glenwood (1 location) Perley (1 location)
Alden (1 location) Gonvick (1 location) Pierz (2 locations)
Alexandria (2 locations) Good Thunder (1 location) Pillager (2 locations)
Annandale (2 locations) Grand Marais (1 location) Pine City (2 locations)
Anoka (5 locations) Grand Rapids (4 locations) Pine Island (1 location)
Austin (1 location) Grove City (1 location) Plato (1 location)
Avon (2 locations) Hackensack (1 location) Plummer (1 location)
Backus (1 location) Hamel (1 location) Plymouth (1 location)
Bagley (2 locations) Hampton (1 location) Princeton (3 locations)
Balaton (1 location) Harmony (1 location) Prior Lake (3 locations)
Battle Lake (2 locations) Hastings (3 locations) Proctor (1 location)
Baudette (2 locations) Henning (1 location) Red Wing (1 location)
Belle Plaine (3 locations) Hinckley (3 locations) Rice (2 locations)
Bemidji (4 locations) Hines (1 location) Rochester (3 locations)
Benson (1 location) Hoffman (1 location) Rogers (2 locations)
Bethel (2 locations) Houston (1 location) Rosemount (1 location)
Big Lake (1 location) Howard Lake (1 location) Royalton (1 location)
Blooming Prairie (1 location) Hugo (4 locations) Rush City (2 locations)
Bovey (2 locations) Hutchinson (4 locations) Rushford (1 location)
Breckenridge (1 location) International Falls (3 locations) Saginaw (5 locations)
Britt (1 location) Inver Grove Heights (2 locations) Saint Augusta (1 location)
Brook Park (1 location) Isanti (3 locations) Saint Bonifacius (1 location)
Browerville (2 locations) Jordan (2 locations) Saint Cloud (3 locations)
Buffalo (3 locations) La Crescent (4 locations) Saint Francis (1 location)
Burnsville (1 location) Lake City (1 location) Saint Joseph (1 location)
Burtrum (1 location) Lake Elmo (1 location) Saint Louis Park (1 location)
Butterfield (1 location) Lake Lillian (1 location) Saint Michael (3 locations)
Caledonia (1 location) Lake Park (2 locations) Saint Paul Park (1 location)
Cambridge (1 location) Lakefield (1 location) Saint Peter (1 location)
Cannon Falls (1 location) Lakeville (4 locations) Sandstone (1 location)
Carlton (1 location) Laporte (1 location) Sargeant (1 location)
Cass Lake (1 location) Long Lake (1 location) Sauk Centre (1 location)
Cedar (2 locations) Long Prairie (2 locations) Sauk Rapids (1 location)
Champlin (1 location) Longville (1 location) Sebeka (1 location)
Chatfield (1 location) Loretto (1 location) Shakopee (4 locations)
Chisago City (1 location) Luverne (1 location) Side Lake (1 location)
Chisholm (2 locations) Mahnomen (1 location) Silver Lake (1 location)
Circle Pines (2 locations) Mahtowa (2 locations) South Haven (1 location)
Clara City (1 location) Mankato (3 locations) Squaw Lake (1 location)
Clearwater (1 location) Mantorville (1 location) Staples (1 location)
Cleveland (1 location) Maple Lake (1 location) Stillwater (3 locations)
Clontarf (2 locations) Maple Plain (1 location) Strathcona (1 location)
Cloquet (2 locations) Marshall (1 location) Swanville (2 locations)
Cook (1 location) Mayer (1 location) Swatara (1 location)
Cottage Grove (1 location) Menahga (3 locations) Thief River Falls (1 location)
Cotton (1 location) Merrifield (1 location) Tower (1 location)
Cottonwood (1 location) Milaca (3 locations) Tyler (2 locations)
Crosby (1 location) Minneota (2 locations) Underwood (1 location)
Deer River (1 location) Minnesota City (1 location) Vergas (1 location)
Deerwood (2 locations) Monticello (3 locations) Villard (1 location)
Delano (2 locations) Moorhead (1 location) Virginia (1 location)
Dodge Center (1 location) Moose Lake (1 location) Wabasha (1 location)
Dundas (2 locations) Mora (2 locations) Wadena (2 locations)
Eagan (1 location) Morristown (1 location) Wahkon (1 location)
Eagle Lake (1 location) Motley (3 locations) Wanamingo (1 location)
Effie (2 locations) Mound (3 locations) Watkins (2 locations)
Elk River (3 locations) Nerstrand (1 location) Webster (1 location)
Ely (1 location) Nevis (1 location) Welch (1 location)
Embarrass (2 locations) New London (3 locations) West Concord (1 location)
Esko (1 location) New Ulm (1 location) Willmar (1 location)
Eveleth (2 locations) Newfolden (1 location) Winona (5 locations)
Fairmont (3 locations) Newport (1 location) Winton (1 location)
Faribault (5 locations) Nisswa (4 locations) Wyoming (1 location)
Farmington (2 locations) North Branch (5 locations) Zimmerman (1 location)
Federal Dam (1 location) Northfield (2 locations) Zumbro Falls (1 location)
Fergus Falls (1 location) Oak Park (1 location)
Fifty Lakes (1 location) Ogilvie (2 locations)
Finlayson (1 location) Olivia (1 location)
Forest Lake (3 locations) Orr (2 locations)
Fosston (1 location) Ottertail (1 location)
Frazee (1 location) Outing (1 location)
Fridley (1 location) Park Rapids (1 location)
Minnesota Septic Businesses by County:
Aitkin County (3) Hubbard County (3) Pine County (8)
Anoka County (22) Isanti County (4) Polk County (1)
Becker County (9) Itasca County (11) Pope County (2)
Beltrami County (5) Jackson County (1) Ramsey County (11)
Benton County (6) Kanabec County (4) Red Lake County (1)
Blue Earth County (5) Kandiyohi County (6) Renville County (1)
Brown County (1) Koochiching County (3) Rice County (12)
Carlton County (7) Lake of the Woods County (2) Rock County (1)
Carver County (1) Le Sueur County (1) Roseau County (1)
Cass County (9) Lincoln County (2) Scott County (12)
Chippewa County (1) Lyon County (5) Sherburne County (5)
Chisago County (9) Mahnomen County (1) St. Louis County (46)
Clay County (2) Marshall County (1) Stearns County (7)
Clearwater County (3) Martin County (3) Steele County (1)
Cook County (1) Mcleod County (7) Swift County (3)
Crow Wing County (17) Meeker County (3) Todd County (6)
Dakota County (17) Mille Lacs County (7) Wabasha County (3)
Dodge County (3) Morrison County (8) Wadena County (6)
Douglas County (2) Mower County (2) Washington County (18)
Fillmore County (3) Murray County (1) Watonwan County (1)
Freeborn County (3) Nicollet County (1) Wilkin County (1)
Goodhue County (5) Norman County (2) Winona County (6)
Grant County (1) Olmsted County (3) Wright County (17)
Hennepin County (28) Otter Tail County (11)
Houston County (6) Pennington County (1)

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