Septic Services > South Carolina

South Carolina Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 229 Septic Businesses in the State of South Carolina (SC).

Choose a South Carolina town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for South Carolina septic service will vary depending on the business.

If a South Carolina septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Conway (8 locations) Greer (7 locations) Spartanburg (14 locations)
Florence (6 locations) Myrtle Beach (6 locations) Sumter (7 locations)
Aiken (2 locations) Graniteville (1 location) Pauline (2 locations)
Allendale (1 location) Gray Court (4 locations) Pelzer (1 location)
Anderson (1 location) Greenville (3 locations) Pendleton (1 location)
Andrews (3 locations) Greenwood (5 locations) Pickens (1 location)
Beaufort (4 locations) Hamer (1 location) Piedmont (3 locations)
Belton (2 locations) Hartsville (2 locations) Richburg (1 location)
Bishopville (1 location) Heath Springs (1 location) Rock Hill (6 locations)
Blackville (2 locations) Hilton Head Island (1 location) Salley (1 location)
Bluffton (1 location) Holly Hill (1 location) Saluda (1 location)
Bonneau (2 locations) Huger (1 location) Seabrook (1 location)
Brunson (1 location) Inman (2 locations) Sharon (3 locations)
Camden (1 location) Iva (2 locations) Sheldon (1 location)
Catawba (1 location) Johns Island (2 locations) Simpsonville (2 locations)
Charleston (2 locations) Kingstree (1 location) Smoaks (1 location)
Cheraw (1 location) Ladson (2 locations) Summerville (1 location)
Chesnee (2 locations) Lancaster (3 locations) Taylors (3 locations)
Chester (1 location) Laurens (1 location) Timmonsville (1 location)
Clinton (1 location) Leesville (1 location) Union (2 locations)
Clover (3 locations) Lexington (4 locations) Wadmalaw Island (2 locations)
Columbia (5 locations) Liberty (4 locations) Wagener (2 locations)
Cope (1 location) Loris (2 locations) Walhalla (1 location)
Cordova (1 location) Lugoff (1 location) Walterboro (3 locations)
Denmark (1 location) Lyman (2 locations) Wedgefield (1 location)
Dillon (1 location) Manning (2 locations) West Columbia (3 locations)
Donalds (1 location) Marietta (1 location) West Union (1 location)
Dorchester (1 location) Mauldin (1 location) Westminster (1 location)
Easley (3 locations) Mc Bee (1 location) Winnsboro (2 locations)
Eastover (1 location) Moncks Corner (1 location) Woodruff (1 location)
Elko (1 location) Mount Pleasant (3 locations) York (4 locations)
Fort Mill (2 locations) Mountain Rest (1 location)
Gaffney (2 locations) Mullins (2 locations)
Galivants Ferry (1 location) Murrells Inlet (2 locations)
Gaston (1 location) Newberry (2 locations)
Glenn Springs (1 location) North Charleston (3 locations)
Gloverville (1 location) Orangeburg (4 locations)
Goose Creek (1 location) Pamplico (1 location)
South Carolina Septic Businesses by County:
Abbeville County (1) Darlington County (2) Lexington County (9)
Aiken County (7) Dillon County (2) Marion County (2)
Allendale County (1) Dorchester County (2) Newberry County (2)
Anderson County (7) Fairfield County (2) Oconee County (4)
Bamberg County (1) Florence County (8) Orangeburg County (7)
Barnwell County (3) Georgetown County (3) Pickens County (8)
Beaufort County (8) Greenville County (20) Richland County (6)
Berkeley County (7) Greenwood County (5) Saluda County (1)
Charleston County (12) Hampton County (1) Spartanburg County (24)
Cherokee County (2) Horry County (19) Sumter County (8)
Chester County (2) Kershaw County (2) Union County (2)
Chesterfield County (2) Lancaster County (4) Williamsburg County (1)
Clarendon County (2) Laurens County (6) York County (19)
Colleton County (4) Lee County (1)

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