Septic Services > Texas

Texas Septic System and Septic Tank Services

There are 954 Septic Businesses in the State of Texas (TX).

Choose a Texas town to view the septic companies doing business there. Services may include septic tank pumping, septic system construction, commercial plumbing, waste cleanup, drain field repair, and porta potty rental. The hourly rate charged for Texas septic service will vary depending on the business.

If a Texas septic company is missing from the directory, please contact us with the location.

Austin (25 locations) Fort Worth (19 locations) New Braunfels (16 locations)
Dallas (19 locations) Houston (49 locations) San Antonio (33 locations)
Abilene (3 locations) Friendswood (1 location) New Waverly (2 locations)
Adkins (1 location) Frisco (1 location) Niederwald (1 location)
Alba (1 location) Gainesville (1 location) Nocona (1 location)
Aledo (2 locations) Galveston (2 locations) Normangee (3 locations)
Alice (4 locations) Ganado (1 location) North Richland Hills (1 location)
Alleyton (1 location) Garland (4 locations) Odessa (4 locations)
Alvarado (1 location) Gatesville (1 location) Olmito (1 location)
Alvin (4 locations) George West (1 location) Orange (3 locations)
Alvord (1 location) Georgetown (5 locations) Overton (1 location)
Amarillo (8 locations) Gilmer (3 locations) Paige (2 locations)
Anderson (3 locations) Gladewater (3 locations) Palacios (1 location)
Andrews (2 locations) Goliad (1 location) Palestine (4 locations)
Angleton (2 locations) Graham (1 location) Palo Pinto (1 location)
Anna (1 location) Granbury (3 locations) Pampa (3 locations)
Aransas Pass (2 locations) Grand Prairie (2 locations) Paris (2 locations)
Arlington (4 locations) Grand Saline (1 location) Pasadena (2 locations)
Athens (1 location) Grandview (1 location) Pearland (5 locations)
Axtell (2 locations) Greenville (4 locations) Pflugerville (2 locations)
Azle (4 locations) Groesbeck (2 locations) Pharr (2 locations)
Bandera (1 location) Groves (1 location) Pinehurst (1 location)
Bastrop (4 locations) Hallettsville (1 location) Pineland (1 location)
Baytown (4 locations) Hamilton (1 location) Pipe Creek (1 location)
Beaumont (2 locations) Hamlin (1 location) Pittsburg (2 locations)
Beckville (1 location) Harlingen (4 locations) Plainview (1 location)
Bedford (1 location) Harper (1 location) Plano (2 locations)
Beeville (1 location) Haslet (1 location) Port Arthur (1 location)
Bellville (2 locations) Helotes (1 location) Port Bolivar (1 location)
Belton (5 locations) Hemphill (3 locations) Porter (1 location)
Ben Wheeler (1 location) Hempstead (1 location) Pottsboro (1 location)
Benbrook (2 locations) Henderson (3 locations) Princeton (1 location)
Bergheim (1 location) Henrietta (1 location) Quinlan (4 locations)
Bertram (1 location) Hereford (1 location) Quitman (1 location)
Big Spring (3 locations) Hewitt (1 location) Red Oak (3 locations)
Blanco (2 locations) Hickory Creek (1 location) Rhome (1 location)
Blossom (1 location) Hico (1 location) Richardson (2 locations)
Boerne (4 locations) Hidalgo (1 location) Richland (1 location)
Bowie (2 locations) Highlands (1 location) Richmond (1 location)
Brady (1 location) Hillsboro (2 locations) Riverside (1 location)
Brazoria (4 locations) Hockley (5 locations) Roanoke (3 locations)
Breckenridge (1 location) Hondo (1 location) Robstown (1 location)
Brenham (3 locations) Howe (1 location) Rockdale (2 locations)
Bronson (1 location) Huffman (3 locations) Rockport (3 locations)
Brownfield (1 location) Humble (6 locations) Rosharon (1 location)
Brownsboro (1 location) Huntsville (4 locations) Round Rock (2 locations)
Brownsville (1 location) Hutto (2 locations) Round Top (1 location)
Brownwood (1 location) Idalou (2 locations) Rowlett (1 location)
Bryan (9 locations) Inez (1 location) Rusk (1 location)
Buchanan Dam (1 location) Ingram (1 location) Sacul (1 location)
Buda (8 locations) Iowa Park (2 locations) San Angelo (9 locations)
Bulverde (2 locations) Irving (2 locations) San Benito (2 locations)
Burleson (7 locations) Ivanhoe (1 location) San Diego (1 location)
Burnet (3 locations) Jacksboro (2 locations) San Marcos (6 locations)
Caddo Mills (2 locations) Jacksonville (3 locations) Sandia (2 locations)
Caldwell (2 locations) Jefferson (1 location) Sanger (1 location)
Cameron (1 location) Joshua (2 locations) Santa Fe (3 locations)
Canutillo (1 location) Jourdanton (1 location) Seagoville (1 location)
Canyon (2 locations) Junction (1 location) Sealy (1 location)
Canyon Lake (2 locations) Justin (1 location) Seguin (3 locations)
Carmine (1 location) Katy (5 locations) Shallowater (1 location)
Carrizo Springs (1 location) Kaufman (4 locations) Sherman (3 locations)
Carthage (1 location) Kemp (1 location) Smithville (1 location)
Cason (1 location) Kempner (1 location) Snyder (3 locations)
Cat Spring (1 location) Kerens (1 location) Socorro (1 location)
Cedar Creek (5 locations) Kerrville (6 locations) Somerville (1 location)
Cedar Hill (2 locations) Kilgore (1 location) Sonora (1 location)
Cedar Lane (1 location) Killeen (1 location) South Houston (1 location)
Cedar Park (1 location) Kingsbury (1 location) Spicewood (1 location)
Centerville (1 location) Kingsland (3 locations) Spring (2 locations)
Chandler (1 location) Kirbyville (1 location) Spring Branch (1 location)
Channelview (1 location) Kountze (1 location) Stamford (1 location)
Cherokee (1 location) Krum (2 locations) Stephenville (1 location)
Chico (2 locations) Kyle (4 locations) Stinnett (1 location)
Cleburne (3 locations) La Feria (3 locations) Stockdale (1 location)
Cleveland (3 locations) La Grange (1 location) Streetman (1 location)
Clute (1 location) La Porte (2 locations) Sugar Land (1 location)
Clyde (1 location) Lago Vista (1 location) Sulphur Springs (3 locations)
Coahoma (1 location) Lake Jackson (1 location) Sunset (1 location)
College Station (6 locations) Lakeway (1 location) Sweeny (1 location)
Collinsville (1 location) Lampasas (2 locations) Sweetwater (1 location)
Colmesneil (1 location) Lancaster (1 location) Taylor (1 location)
Columbus (1 location) Laredo (7 locations) Temple (1 location)
Commerce (1 location) Leander (2 locations) Terrell (6 locations)
Conroe (7 locations) Leesburg (1 location) Texarkana (8 locations)
Converse (1 location) Levelland (1 location) Texas City (1 location)
Copeville (1 location) Lewisville (2 locations) The Woodlands (2 locations)
Coppell (1 location) Liberty Hill (3 locations) Thorndale (1 location)
Copperas Cove (1 location) Lindale (1 location) Tolar (1 location)
Corpus Christi (7 locations) Littlefield (1 location) Tomball (7 locations)
Corsicana (4 locations) Livingston (2 locations) Tornillo (1 location)
Covington (1 location) Longview (8 locations) Trinidad (1 location)
Crandall (1 location) Lubbock (7 locations) Tuscola (1 location)
Creedmoor (1 location) Lufkin (9 locations) Tyler (8 locations)
Crockett (1 location) Lumberton (1 location) Uvalde (3 locations)
Cross Plains (1 location) Mabank (2 locations) Valley View (2 locations)
Cuero (1 location) Magnolia (8 locations) Van (2 locations)
Cypress (7 locations) Manchaca (1 location) Venus (1 location)
Dayton (2 locations) Manor (1 location) Victoria (4 locations)
Decatur (2 locations) Mansfield (2 locations) Vidor (1 location)
Deer Park (2 locations) Marble Falls (1 location) Von Ormy (2 locations)
Del Rio (6 locations) Marquez (1 location) Waco (4 locations)
Del Valle (3 locations) Marshall (3 locations) Walburg (1 location)
Denison (1 location) Martinsville (1 location) Waller (2 locations)
Denton (3 locations) Maypearl (1 location) Wallis (1 location)
Denver City (1 location) Mc Dade (1 location) Waskom (1 location)
Diboll (1 location) Mc Gregor (2 locations) Waxahachie (1 location)
Dripping Springs (1 location) McAllen (2 locations) Weatherford (9 locations)
Dublin (2 locations) McKinney (5 locations) Webberville (1 location)
Dumas (1 location) Menard (1 location) Webster (1 location)
Duncanville (1 location) Mercedes (2 locations) Weslaco (1 location)
Eagle Pass (3 locations) Merkel (1 location) West Orange (1 location)
Edinburg (5 locations) Mesquite (4 locations) Whitehouse (3 locations)
El Campo (2 locations) Mexia (1 location) Whitesboro (1 location)
El Paso (13 locations) Midland (4 locations) Whitney (2 locations)
Elgin (1 location) Midlothian (2 locations) Wichita Falls (7 locations)
Elkhart (1 location) Millsap (1 location) Willis (2 locations)
Elm Mott (1 location) Mineola (2 locations) Wills Point (1 location)
Elmendorf (1 location) Mineral Wells (2 locations) Wimberley (2 locations)
Emory (1 location) Mission (1 location) Winnsboro (2 locations)
Ennis (3 locations) Missouri City (2 locations) Wolfforth (1 location)
Euless (1 location) Montgomery (5 locations) Yantis (1 location)
Flint (1 location) Morgan (1 location) Yoakum (1 location)
Floresville (1 location) Mount Pleasant (2 locations)
Forest Hill (1 location) Murchison (2 locations)
Forney (3 locations) Nacogdoches (2 locations)
Frankston (1 location) Naples (1 location)
Fredericksburg (6 locations) Nederland (1 location)
Freeport (2 locations) New Caney (2 locations)
Texas Septic Businesses by County:
Anderson County (6) Gregg County (12) Montague County (4)
Andrews County (2) Grimes County (3) Montgomery County (28)
Angelina County (10) Guadalupe County (4) Moore County (1)
Aransas County (3) Hale County (1) Morris County (2)
Atascosa County (1) Hamilton County (2) Nacogdoches County (4)
Austin County (5) Hardin County (2) Navarro County (6)
Bandera County (2) Harris County (97) Nolan County (1)
Bastrop County (15) Harrison County (4) Nueces County (8)
Bee County (1) Hays County (24) Orange County (5)
Bell County (7) Henderson County (7) Palo Pinto County (3)
Bexar County (39) Hidalgo County (14) Panola County (2)
Blanco County (2) Hill County (5) Parker County (12)
Bosque County (1) Hockley County (1) Polk County (2)
Bowie County (8) Hood County (4) Potter County (1)
Brazoria County (22) Hopkins County (3) Rains County (1)
Brazos County (15) Houston County (1) Randall County (9)
Brown County (1) Howard County (4) Rusk County (4)
Burleson County (3) Hunt County (11) Sabine County (5)
Burnet County (5) Hutchinson County (1) San Patricio County (2)
Callahan County (2) Jack County (2) San Saba County (1)
Cameron County (11) Jackson County (1) Scurry County (3)
Camp County (3) Jasper County (1) Smith County (13)
Chambers County (2) Jefferson County (5) Stephens County (1)
Cherokee County (4) Jim Wells County (6) Sutton County (1)
Clay County (1) Johnson County (15) Tarrant County (36)
Collin County (11) Jones County (2) Taylor County (5)
Colorado County (2) Kaufman County (16) Terry County (1)
Comal County (21) Kendall County (5) Titus County (2)
Cooke County (3) Kerr County (7) Tom Green County (9)
Coryell County (2) Kimble County (1) Travis County (33)
Dallas County (39) Lamar County (3) Tyler County (1)
Deaf Smith County (1) Lamb County (1) Upshur County (3)
Denton County (14) Lampasas County (3) Uvalde County (3)
Dewitt County (1) Lavaca County (2) Val Verde County (6)
Dimmit County (1) Leon County (5) Van Zandt County (5)
Duval County (1) Liberty County (5) Victoria County (5)
Ector County (4) Limestone County (3) Walker County (7)
El Paso County (16) Live Oak County (1) Waller County (2)
Ellis County (10) Llano County (4) Washington County (3)
Erath County (3) Lubbock County (11) Webb County (7)
Fannin County (1) Marion County (1) Wharton County (2)
Fayette County (3) Matagorda County (2) Wichita County (9)
Fort Bend County (4) Maverick County (3) Williamson County (18)
Freestone County (1) Mcculloch County (1) Wilson County (2)
Galveston County (7) Mclennan County (10) Wise County (6)
Gillespie County (7) Medina County (1) Wood County (7)
Goliad County (1) Menard County (1) Yoakum County (1)
Gray County (3) Midland County (4) Young County (1)
Grayson County (8) Milam County (4)

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